Monday, April 26, 2010


I had a great time at NSD on Saturday! I spent the day from 9-5 scrapping with my Mom, Sister, my friend Julie, and her sister, Christina. I actually prepped really well for the first time ever - finding sketches for each LO and all the page kits to go with them. I prepared 21 kits, but I only ended up making 9 LO's - 8 singles and 1 double page. Honestly, I think that's twice what I made last year! I brought Nathanael with me, and our neighbor's daughter so that she could babysit for me. She allowed me to get quite a bit done!!! Yeah!

Here are the LO's:

Resurrection Cookie Recipe

Easter Morning at Church: My Gifts from God

Hard to read but the title says, "Look Who's Standing!"

Lil Egg Hunter

I used the same sketch for the next 3 LO's - one for each of the kids' albums. (I didn't take pictures of Nathanael with his basket . . . sigh.)

Easter Ham, and Cheese!
Birthday Gifts

This last one I didn't do on Saturday. I think I actually started it last year at NSD, but I just finished it last Thursday! Yikes! At least it's done!!!


Tara O said...

You go girl! I'm glad you had a productive day...I always feel so much better after I've had some crafting time

Tricia said...

Beautiful layouts! I wish I could say I finished that many over the weekend!

kcolegrove said...

WOW! very productive. And great LO's! Love the kids with their Easter baskets!

Geri said...

great layouts! I love the title letters on the two boy Easter layouts! Great job on all of them and getting so many done!

Martha ~ xpetunia said...

WTG Idaho! LOL! Lots of great work here and I'm *so* glad you got the scrappy time. I miss the weekly scrappy time we used to have... Especially love the "ham and cheese" LO, great title!

ladynurse4 said...

So many cute cute LO's.

Amy M. Guimond said...

what great layouts. i love the pics of the kids showing off their resurrection cookies. but then again, i thought that was a really great educational tool. i certainly learned from your project! :) these layouts are great and i cant believe how big the kidlets are getting!